zondag 8 augustus 2010


1. here she is walking down the street with husband jay-z.
i love how almost everything she wears makes her look great!

2. stunning dress

3. i just really really really love this

4. she looks like she comes from the dark side or something, stunning like always. and i like the hair with the hoodie like that.

5. like hell yeah she's great.

6. i actually like almost everything about her but i have to point out what i réally like, and that's the way she can dance, sing and look awesome a the same time, and also that she just has the perfect but and bust, love her body!


1. here she is walking down the street with boyfriend penn badgle (who also plays in gossip girl).
she's not wearing anything special but i still like it, it looks great on her.

2. very sexy and classy, love it.

3. her face is not very charming here, but the green looks great on her.

4. sexy, sweet an innocent.

5. a very 'serena'-look: the knee socks with a short skirt and a wide vest on it.

6. i just adore blake's hair, you can do so many things with it and it always looks great! so jealous haha.

just an idea

so my idea is to blog a couple of pictures from a celebrity i like every once in a while,
and what should be in the pictures is this:

1. him/her doing something personal or just walking down the street
2. him/her on the red carpet
3. him/her in an bathingsuit
4. him/her in a photoshoot
5. him/her doing his/her job (acting, singing etc.)
6. showing something that you really like about him/her

if you don't get it yet, you should just watch my next blog haha!


what do you think?

i just love the look, it's simple but classy, and i abselutely adore the bag!

i found the following 3 pictures at a sort of dutch facebook, so i scratched the faces to keep the girls anonymous, they don't know they're on my blog, but if one of these girls is you and you don't want to be here, please tell me and then i'll cut you out!
i just love the dresses, the right one i would where myself, but the left one i think is a little to chiq for me, but still love it!

love the whole outfit, it's just so fashionable.

i adore the jacket!

what do you think about these outfits? tell me in a comment!

zaterdag 7 augustus 2010

what is this blog about? and who am i?

hi guys! i guess i don't have much 'followers' or friends yet, but that's just because i've just started this blog. on my blog i'm gonna post pictures and stuff from people who's clothes and accessories i like. i'll point out what i like or don't like, and you can put in a comment below what you like or don't like :)

so here's a little about me:

i'm 14 years old and i live in the netherlands. i buy most of my clothes at the zara and the h&m. i love fashion, so i thought i'd start a blog, and here it is. i hope you'll enjoy it!

tomorrow i'll hopefully find some time to place something new for you. and the day after tomorrow i'm going on vacation so then you won't see me for 2 weeks. i'm kinda tired so i'm gonna go to sleep now.

hugs and kisses, a fashionlover.